Best Hair Care Tips For Men's :

        As we all know that men's hair is the most important part of his overall look.

          When it comes to hairs,there are so many things to consider- style,length,how to cut it,what products to use - That it can be overwhelming at times.

                           I'm here to help you all,however,with my hair Care tips.I'll cover everything from how to take care of your hairs,what products to use for style them,what to do and don't.

Follow my tips and you can definitely get better hairs. 

           At the end,I hope that you will get enough knowledge to make your daily hair Care routine better than ever.

  • Best Hair Care Tips For Beginners:

  1. Drying Your Hairs The Right Way

            I think that you all dry hairs with towels by rubbing them vigorously after shower,Don't Do It.

              Because, your hairs are very sensitive to take the damage.When you rub them with the towel they become caught in the threads of that towel and streatches hair past their breaking point.

Instead,pat dry your hairs or dry them with natural air,I know that it takes some time to dry and you have to go to your work so yo don't have much time.But at least,don't rub them vigorously.
                      If you are using blow dryers daily to dry your hairs then you are damaging your hairs.Because,as I said that your hairs are sensitive to take damge,lot of heat can damage them.
              I'm not saying that don't use hair dryers I know that they are very helful but,use them at the lowest possible settings,and always leave your hair slightly damp to make sure that you aren't over drying it.

 2. Wearing hat sparingly

      Tight hats can damage your hairs cause they pull very hard on roots of hairs resulting in hair loss.Wear loose fitting hats if possible.

    Hopefully these tips will help you achieve the look you want in a hairstyle but, most importantly, help you to keep your hair as healthy as possible. Like anything else, strong, healthy hair is achieved through consistent effort and the right knowledge.

3. Don't Do Over With Products

                 There is nothing wrong in using hair products to get look as we want but don't use in excess amount,take some amount that you really need and wash yours hairs properly before going to apply another product.

4. Wash But Don't Repeat
                One of the great myths about washing your hair is that you need to shampoo it, rinse it, and then repeat the process once more. Not only is a double-wash unnecessary, but it may also dry out your hair.

  • Hair Growing Tips : A guide

       As we all know that growing hair is a trend now but it is similar to growing long beard it means that it takes some time and patience to grow them.
                    You have to give some some time from your busy routine to grow them also you have to take care of them.It looks weird  when they are growing that means when you sleep at night and wake at morning you see that they are on all of your face and simultaneously you have remove them from your face,it feels irritating.

  • Have A plan
                  Before going to grow your hair you need to do some planning that you need enough will power and patience.You also need to make sure that you have some extra time for your grooming routine because long hair needs some extra effort to maintain than the short hairs.

  • Have Perfect Tools To Your Hair
                  Doing investment in good tools helps to improve your hairs like you can use a wide tooth comb to improve your hairs and use some cloth-coated bands to hold your hairs because they are gentle on your hairs.  

  • Have Perfect Products
                   Buy some shampoos, conditioners which suits to your hair and use them regularly for better reasults.Don't shampoo your hairs daily they cause damage to your hairs,your hairs becomes dry and it removes essential oils from your hair.
           I recommend you to wash your hairs 2 rimes a week with shampoo.

  • Avoid Sun Exposure
             As we all know,harmful uv Ray's can damage your skin but they also damage your hairs.There are some products available in the market to protect your hairs form sun rays.

  • Avoid Chlorine    
             Chlorine found in swimming pools can damage your hairs badly and easily make them brittle,wash your hairs with -normal water, and apply some conditioner before going to pool.

  • Go Easy With Greasy Hairs

        It’s a natural reaction to want to scrub your greasy hair with the force of a MMA fighter to get all the oil it. Don’t do it. Over-scrubbing tends to stimulate the oil-producing sebaceous glands that are already active enough. Another tip for taking care of greasy hair – or for all types of hair, for that matter – is to avoid washing it with overly hot water.


Unless your goal is to grow longer hair, it’s wise to keep your hair trimmed because it’s the best way to get rid of damaged hair such as split ends. You should trim your hair every six to eight weeks, even if it’s just a light trim. You’ll be amazed how healthy your hair looks after a modest cut. Whatever you do, however, don’t believe the old adage that your hair will come in stronger and fuller if you cut it. That’s an old wives’ tale that’s actually b.s., so don’t get a haircut because you think you’ll be able to grow thicker hair because of it.


Whether it’s coloring your hair or getting a perm, chemical treatments can leave your hair dry, damaged, and dull. So, first, don’t overdo it with those treatments, but also avoid home treatments and seek the services of a good stylist instead. A knowledgeable barber or stylist will know how to prepare your hair and what products are best for your hair type. Plus, the results you’ll get from a professional will almost always look better than the results you’ll get doing it yourself..

By the “right time” we don’t mean a mythical exact day when you should get your hair trimmed, but rather what time of the day you schedule the appointment with your barber or stylist. Most salons and shops are quieter at the beginning and end of each day, which increases your chances of having the full attention of your barber.


Professional barbers and stylists abound, but when you find one you like make him or her a valuable resource for everything hair. One way you know that you have a good barber is that they’ll take the time to talk about what you want while offering suggestions based on your goals and hair type. You want your barber to recommend products and styling tips that help you achieve the look you get from their craft. But you also want to come armed with information, whether it’s pictures from your phone or from magazines of what styles you like, etc.


The products that you apply to your hair over time may build up and cause your hair to look dull and lifeless. But a good clarifying shampoo will get rid of the build-up and make your hair look shinier. You can even use white vinegar as a hair rinse because it helps in balancing the pH level.


Even if you’re using products with the strongest hold known to mankind, it’s hard to keep your hair looking exactly the way you want out throughout the day. While it’s hard to always have your favorite hair products with you at all time, a comb is your next best friend. Wetting a comb and touching up your hairstyle not only keeps your hair looking neat, but also reactivates most styling products.


As mentioned, there’s plenty of debate about whether guys should shampoo every day. From reading the views of many experts, you get the feeling that less is more because excess shampooing may cause your hair to become dry and brittle. That’s especially true of shampoos that contain high levels of detergents and sulfates that strip your scalp and hair of natural oils.
If you have hair that’s naturally oily and may look greasy, you may be resistant to only occasional shampooing. In many cases, however, it’s not that big of a deal and the natural oil is good for your hair. But it’s up to each person to decide how often they need to shampoo. As a general rule, however, try not to shampoo your hair every day.
On the flip side, it’s OK to use a good conditioner every day because it minimizes split ends, tangles, breakage, and it doesn’t strip your hair of all of its natural oils; in fact, it replaces the oils that are washed away and keeps your hair moist. When you buy a conditioner, look for those that don’t contain waxes because they can make your hair look thin.


           Whether it’s coloring your hair or getting a perm, chemical treatments can leave your hair dry, damaged, and dull. So, first, don’t overdo it with those treatments, but also avoid home treatments and seek the services of a good stylist instead. 
      A knowledgeable barber or stylist will know how to prepare your hair and what products are best for your hair type. Plus, the results you’ll get from a professional will almost always look better than the results you’ll get doing it yourself.


Your sleeping habits have an impact on your overall hair health and growth because your body is in repair mode when you’re asleep. Growth hormones kick into gear when you’re snoozing and speed up cell reproduction, including scalp cells. Sleeping also increases blood circulation around the hair follicles. It’s recommended that you get seven to eight hours of sleep a night to reap the benefits of repair and reproduction.