Best Daily Routine and Habits You Should Follow... [ 2020 ]

Best Daily Routine and Habits You Should Follow... [ 2020 ] |Your routine is the main root of your health. If your daily routine and habits are not good then your body and mind will not perform well.  Your Daily Routine should be perfect to balance your health and mind. I will help you to deal with that but you have to follow all the instructions and advice which I'm going to give you. So, let's start.

  First of all, we will discuss two types of routines which people follow in their life.

Healthy Routine 

                                   Healthy Routine means proper diet, proper sleep, daily meditation, yoga, or doing exercise. These are the main things that come under the daily routine of a healthy person. A healthy routine keeps you energetic every day and increases your immune system. In India average 40% to 50% of people follow healthy routine and rest of them follows unhealthy routine. You don't have to visit any hospital if you follow healthy routine regularly. People who follow a healthy routine live longer than people who follow an unhealthy routine.

Unhealthy Routine

                                        An unhealthy routine is a very bad routine and affects your body very fast. If you are the person who follows healthy routine and suddenly starts unhealthy routine means if you start eating less or eating one time in a day, not sleeping at night, If you spend your most time on social media, If you eat junk food daily, not exercise, e.t.c. then the progress you have made through the healthy routine will be destroyed in seconds. Following an Unhealthy routine will give you many health problems and you start feeling very exhausted. Your mind will be disturbed and your interest in things will start decreasing slowly and in the end you will no longer interested in anything. This type of routine can cause serious mental problems.
In short, I have explained what is a healthy routine and what is an unhealthy routine. Now we will discuss the habits of people. This is the main thing which decides your future. Now you might be thinking " How can it decides our future?". After this, I'm explaining Daily Routine you should follow.

Habits Of People  

                                         There might be good as well as some bad habits in a person but we have to take only a good one out of it. There are some bad habits like Drinking, Smoking, sleeping late, not exercising, eating junk food, e.t.c. And good habits like sleeping early and waking up early, Reading, Doing Exercise, Doing Meditation or yoga, Proper diet, e.t.c.
If you observe peoples of rural areas you will find out that they live longer than peoples who live in cities and they have less medical problems and health issues than people who live in the city because of their lifestyle and habits they follow. They used to sleep very early at 8:00 or 9:00 pm and wake up early at 4:00 am.
They don't have junk foods like in cities that's why they eat food which they hve made at their home. The main reason is there is no technology at that time that's why they spent their all day in doing something or they used to go at farm.
And also the environment  was so good at that time like fresh air, no polution. I think we should follow their habits so we can also live longer and healthier lifestyle.

Daily Routine:-

                            Daily Routine and Your habits are main factors which i've told you earlier. You have to mix your daily habits and Daliy routine to balance your life. I'm giving you the best daily routine. If you implement this Daily routine in your life then your life will be so easy and you could do things in a better way.

4:00 AM - 

Wake up and drink 2 glasses of water & do all basic things like brushing your teeth and take a bath. 

Pray to god and think that your day is going to be very good and everything which is going to happen is for good reason.

5:00 AM - 

Do some exercise, Yoga, or Meditation. After that drink, some juice or you can also take protein. Doing exercise early will keep you alert, energetic all day.

6:00 AM - 

you can do your daily office work or you can learn something or read books. 

Because our mind is empty, we don't have any thoughts in our mind which will disturb us and others are also sleeping at that time so, this is the best time to study or doing work.

7:00 AM -

Take some healthy breakfast and drink 1 glass of milk and 2 eggs. 

It will give you the energy to start your day.

10:00 AM - 

Before lunch, you can eat something lite like banana shake, salad, e.t.c. 

You have to eat something every 2-3 hours to stay energetic.

1:00 PM -

In lunch eat more green vegetables, roti/chapati, rice, dal, e.t.c

Always remember that you have to eat more green vegetables, it will give you vitamins, minerals, iron, magnesium, everything your body needs.

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM -

Take some rest.

Some peoples don't take rest in the afternoon, it depends upon you but I'll suggest taking some rest.

After that, you can do anything you want to do. I'll directly give you the night routine.

8:30 PM -

Do your dinner and prepare your to-do list means make a list of things which you're going to do tomorrow. It's called the preplanning, You will already have the list of things you have to do first and you will not get confused.

9:30 PM -

Before going to bed drink 1 glass of milk. It helps your muscles to recover.

- Do 2 min of meditation and remember all things which you have done today and ask God to forgive you for the mistakes you have done. Thank God for giving the wonderful day & pray for others also.

- Our body needs at least 7 hours of sleep to recover. So, remember to take proper sleep.

- While meditating You can listen to the songs which I've given in my previous article.